HayesTough Grants $35,000 to Support Phase 1 Clinical Trial for Choroid Plexus Carcinoma (CPC)

On September 15, the Children’s Brain Tumor Project (CBTP) received a generous gift in the amount of $35,000 from the HayesTough Foundation, enabling Dr. Mark Souweidane and his team take the final steps necessary toward launching the first-ever phase 1 clinical trial specifically designed for children with choroid plexus carcinoma (CPC), a very rare pediatric brain malignancy. Founders Steve and Savanna Tate lost their son Hayes to CPC in March, 2015, and they have since been helping raise awareness for childhood cancer, supporting research to find a cure, and providing support for families impacted by a childhood cancer diagnosis through the HayesTough Foundation.
Through the CBTP, Dr. Souweidane has a single goal: to bring hope to patients and families confronted with the heartbreaking diagnosis of a rare, inoperable, and often incurable pediatric brain tumors like CPC. These tumors are so rare, they are otherwise neglected by the greater cancer research community.
Pediatric brain tumors are the most common solid tumors found in children, and they are also the most fatal. In a dedicated effort to change this statistic, the Children’s Brain Tumor Project is focused on two strategic paths forward: basic research that leads to breakthrough discoveries, and translational research to bring those discoveries to clinic.
“Being able to bring this discovery to clinical trial for children with CPC is exactly what we aim to do at the Children’s Brain Tumor Project. To give children options when they otherwise may have none,” said Dr. Souweidane.
Hayes’ parents and siblings, Steve, Savanna, Bo, Mia, Wes, Heath and Reese — along with supporters from around the world — are dedicated to keeping Hayes’ legacy alive through the HayesTough Foundation. Through the work and dedication of the foundation, the world will never forget the 20 month legend that was Hayes Tate!
Stay Tuned… more information on the clinical trial to follow.